Preparing for a Gun license
Instructors : Robert Berki , Miroslav Egermaier
Terms and Conditions: ZP is not a necessity
Duration: 3-5 hours
Price: CZK 2,500 / person .
This firearms training course is primarily aimed at those who want to apply for a gun license and candidates who want to improve their technique under the expert guidance and supervision of highly trained professionals.. With at least two instructors are guaranteed an individual approach to each and the maximum level of security.
Contents of the course:
safe gun handling and safety habits while shooting
basic shooting techniques - hold, and lower
attitudes suitable for shooting
weapons disassembly , description of individual parts
shooting at 10 and 15 metres range as required during testing ZP
detailed theory on defense and necessary legislative framework for this area in the Czech Republic , the principles of defense with a firearm , and a discussion with experts answering your questions
theoretical lecture focused on the selection of weapons , ammunition, holster and other equipment for the purpose of carrying concealed weapons
Equipment needed:
If you do not own a gun , after an agreement to lend directly to the range
Ammunition - the required amount of 50 to 100 pieces according to the agreement , can be purchased at the range
target and plugs are included in the course
appropriate clothing
Suitable footwear (open range )
Eye and ear protection (after the agreement to rent )
good health
Sports střelniceVražkov No. 171, dist. Litoměřice
413 01 Vražkov
( After talking maybe a shooting range in Prague)